As an entrepreneur it is important to keep yourself organized and focused. Studies have shown that planning a daily routine helps with productivity, as well as, your work-life balance (as much as you can balance that!).
It is suggested that you make your daily plan the night before. It will help your mind rest knowing that you have a plan of attack for the next day. Setting your schedule will help you prioritize, make you more efficient, help your stress levels, and it will make it easier to set boundaries for yourself and others. In the long term you will build habits that defeat procrastination and you will honestly feel as though hours were added to your day! Remember to schedule yourself appropriate breaks. Try the 52/17 rule. Work for 52 minutes and give yourself a 17 minute mental break.
There are plenty of ways to create your schedule - you should always write it down (or type it) DON’T RELY ON YOUR MEMORY! You can put it in your phone or tablet, write on your calendar or in your planner, have a designated whiteboard, or you can download our Daily Schedule for FREE!
Daily Schedule Free Download
We hope this helped and that our worksheet will assist you achieving your daily and long term goals!!
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